How did aging turn from a celebration of a natural process to a problem that needs to be solved?
The only physiologically relevant change as we get older is that when aging cells die, they cause inflammation and pain within the body.
So here’s our proposal: Let’s work together to reduce the pain and improve the mobility so we can have more fun doing the things that make us happy! Because ultimately, all that matters is how old we feel.
Our Services
Strong EnCore Fitness
Functional movement-based exercises to help prevent disease, injury and falls. Small efforts + regular practice = big payoff!
Strong EnCore Flexibility
A unique combination of yoga and motor-neural programming to strengthen the core, improve balance and boost immunity.
Senior Fitness
Growing old is a team sport! Strong EnCore is Silver Sneakers certified and brings safe and fun workouts to everyone.
Yoga Therapy
One-on-one sessions specifically designed to combine movement, breathing and meditation to help with recovery from injury or hospitalization.
Energy is life, and your breath regulates your energy. Learn breathing exercises to promote relaxation and improve your overall wellbeing.
Women’s Workshops
Saturday sessions to help women navigate the physiological changes of menopause, and empower them during this transition.
An Ounce of Prevention